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Premium Nutrients

Full spectrum, professional-grade ingredients to ensure maximum nutrient uptake. Save money and time by using the same A/B liquid fertilizer for growth and bloom.
Easy To Use
Made for growers of any experience level
Works with all types of grow media
Clean Solution
Won't leave deposits in irrigation solution
Tested & Proven
Won't clog automatic watering systems
Ferti-lab a
    • FERTI-LAB A liquid fertilizer uses full spectrum, professional-grade ingredients to ensure maximum nutrient uptake.
    • FERTI-LAB A uses the best quality food-grade inputs available on the market today, including chelated magnesium and calcium nitrate. We use the highest concentration of calcium possible, since calcium is an essential growth driver for your plants.
    • To stimulate the formation of strong growth shoots, cell walls in roots, and healthy leaves, FERTI-LAB A delivers the exact nutrient ratios to support photosynthesis, chlorophyll activity and amino acid assimilation.
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Ferti-lab B
    • FERTI-LAB B liquid fertilizer relies on four essential professional-grade ingredients to unlock full nutrient availability – phosphorus, potassium, sulfur and trace elements.
    • Phosphorus is a critical driver of root development, CO2 absorption, and photosynthetic carbon metabolism.
    • Potassium works to boost flower density, strengthen a plant’s immune system, defend against drought, as well as balance nitrogen metabolism and protein production.
    • Sulfur is now known to be an essential building block of terpene oils, in addition to the role it plays in absorption of calcium and creation of chlorophyll.
    • Trace Elements (boron, manganese, iron and molybdenum) help support production of sugars, essential for both growth and bloom phases.
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Ferti-lab pk
      • FERTI-LAB PK Blast liquid fertilizer is a very concentrated mixture of high-grade potassium and phosphorus formulated for optimal absorption during intensive flowering.
      • To achieve heavy and voluminous flowering, the stem and branch structures have to be strong enough to support the added weight. FERTI-LAB PK Blast allows you to unlock bigger and more potent harvests.
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